

No matter your areas of Concern, from acne to aging and sun damage to body fat, the team at Refine Dermatique will help you find solutions to reach your desired result.
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No Matter your areas of Concern, from acne to aging and sun damage to body fat, the team at Refine Dermatique will help you find solutions to reach your desired result.

Mobile Check-in

Wait for your appointment in your car. We'll call you when we're ready. 

Thorough Disinfection Between Appointments

Surfaces cleaned with a virucidal agent between appointments.

Face Masks Required

A face mask is required to enter our building. 

Curbside Pickup

Restock your skincare products without coming inside.

Physical Distancing

With staggered appointments, increased signage, and the use of radios, you won't come into contact with many people.

Protective Barriers

Extra separation in our high-contact areas.

Talk to an expert today about your options.
